During the last few years we all experienced how fragile and sensitive our global supply chains are.
Also, we had to realize in all clarity the consequences of dependencies, monopolies and overly powerful suppliers.
Every producing company is endangered at the same spots.
This does not only count for small business, especially the volatility of the semiconductor market causes severe hiccups in industrial production and thus significant loss of revenue.
For many businesses this is a real danger for their existence.
Make use of our experience in supplier management, risk analysis and portfolio analysis. We happily support you in identifying weak spots and breaking points in your supply chains and to take immediate and measurable action.
For many businesses, this is not only a matter of competence or qualification, many businesses are challenged by constrained resources. External support can help there. Not only by adding to your resources, but also by bringing in expertise, a strong network and experience.
Strengthen your supply chains and get ready to face future challenges on global markets.
We love to support you!
Here are some examples of our work, check our references for more:
Purchasing Cooperation with Asia - Concept and roll-out of a purchasing cooperation with offices in China and Singapore, involvement in early stages of new projects and serial production.
Critical Parts Management Electronics - Support for a multinational corporation in coordinating critical parts during times of constraint supplies. Development of a critical parts dashboard and training of resident staff.
Total Cost of Ownership - Development of a process and a toolbox to calculate TCO in the supply chain. Roll-Out in the Corporation and staff training, presentation of the tool in a keynote for the local chamber of commerce.
Relocation of an Entire Category - An entire category of custom made parts had to be re-sourced and awarded to a new supplier. A competent partner in Hungary was identified and taken through onboarding. The project brought savings of 30%.
Use our expertise and get in tough with us!
Erfolgreiche Projekte!
"Grosse Projekte der Infrastruktur leben von ihrer Akzeptanz.
Jedes Projekt wird begleitet von Herausforderungen und Beeinträchtigungen. Umso mehr schuldet die öffentliche Hand den Betroffenen eine optimale Abwicklung.
Diese gerät aber oft schon vor dem Bau, nämlich im Vergabeverfahren in unruhiges Fahrwasser.
Gute Konditionen und Verträge mit Weitblick sind Voraussetzung, das ist unsere Expertise!"
Projekte vorwärts bewegen
Die Vergabe insbesondere grosser Infrastrukturprojekte nach SektVO erfolgt in sehr komplexen Verfahren und bringen viele aufwendige Prozeduren mit sich, zusätzlich zu den ohnehin schon umfangreichen Anforderungen und Klärungspunkten im Projekt selbst.
Nehmen Sie uns als erfahrene Partner ins Boot und wir bringen gemeinsam mit Ihnen, oder auch interimistisch komplett eigenständig, Ihre Projekte an den Markt und sorgen für eine reibungslose und optimale Vergabe.
Wir treten als externe Vergabestelle auf, managen den gesamten Verfahrensablauf, gerne unter Einsatz eigener Vergabetools. Turnkey-Vergabe eben.
During the last few years we all experienced how fragile and sensitive our global supply chains are.
Also, we had to realize in all clarity the consequences of dependencies, monopolies and overly powerful suppliers.
Every producing company is endangered at the same spots.
This does not only count for small business, especially the volatility of the semiconductor market causes severe hiccups in industrial production and thus significant loss of revenue.
For many businesses this is a real danger for their existence.
Make use of our experience in supplier management, risk analysis and portfolio analysis. We happily support you in identifying weak spots and breaking points in your supply chains and to take immediate and measurable action.
For many businesses, this is not only a matter of competence or qualification, many businesses are challenged by constrained resources. External support can help there. Not only by adding to your resources, but also by bringing in expertise, a strong network and experience.
Strengthen your supply chains and get ready to face future challenges on global markets.
We love to support you!
Here are some examples of our work, check our references for more:
Purchasing Cooperation with Asia - Concept and roll-out of a purchasing cooperation with offices in China and Singapore, involvement in early stages of new projects and serial production.
Critical Parts Management Electronics - Support for a multinational corporation in coordinating critical parts during times of constraint supplies. Development of a critical parts dashboard and training of resident staff.
Total Cost of Ownership - Development of a process and a toolbox to calculate TCO in the supply chain. Roll-Out in the Corporation and staff training, presentation of the tool in a keynote for the local chamber of commerce.
Relocation of an Entire Category - An entire category of custom made parts had to be re-sourced and awarded to a new supplier. A competent partner in Hungary was identified and taken through onboarding. The project brought savings of 30%.
Use our expertise and get in tough with us!